Pastor Ron DeWitt
Pastor Ron DeWitt

Welcome to our Web Site,

It is our joy to have you visit us by way of the Internet. Let me just say a few things about our church. As you check out the various aspects of our sight you will see very plainly that we are a very active fellowship of believers. However, it will be impossible to detect electronically the love and compassion this church has to offer whomever will visit.

Judy DeWitt
My wife Judy

As Pastor, I have never witnessed a more loving group of people. God is directing us to deeper levels of Prayer and Fasting than I have ever known. As a result, Miracles are taking place in bountiful measure. If you live in the area, why not come for a visit? Sense the Glory and the majesty of God’s wonderful grace as we worship together.

Truly I feel that we have entered an epoch of time that will prove to be some of the Golden Days of our generation. WE’VE BEEN SUMMONED HERE BY GOD, FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! Come join us!

Pastor Ron DeWitt

I would love to hear from you. Email me at